Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Days 7 and 8

After the weekend, things are going back to the way they were before. The time given to students to work on academics is helping immensely. Students have been working at least three hours a day on the units that they have brought with them. Besides academic time, students are continuing on their ranch projects. Ranch beautification, barn work, culinary creations, and horseback riding are still on the menu. The horse riding segments are now an hour long. The trail ruins down the side of the mountain along a river. Here is what one student had to say about the trail:
“We brushed them and saddled them. We had to go around the pen a couple times. We went on the switchback trail. It was very fun. There was a very nice view with lots of trees and flowers. The horses behaved very well; they were calm and followed the trail. It was very enjoyable. My horse had seen something and it had gotten started and it had jumped 10 feet the other way and almost hit a tree. It almost fell going downhill. He caught himself and got back up and got back on the trail.
~Mary Donis

During these last two days, we had a very special birthday for one of our RAs, Emilie. The students made sure to sing to her whenever she was in the room. My count was at least three, and those were only the ones I was present for.

Yesterday, after a rousing afternoon of academics, students were able to depart on a grand adventure. Students were not to know about it, but ideas were being flown around as to a night hike or another outdoor camping activity because dinner was not on the list of activities for the day. Students waited anxiously as the surprise was announced to cheers and applause from all. The students changed into their blue RMPR shirts and hopped on the bus, anxious about the grand adventure that lay in front of them. The bus ride took us off of the ranch and on our way to…

A place I cannot divulge for fear of a flogging the likes of which I have never had before. Sorry. I wish I could discuss where we were as the lightning struck on the horizon, but I am unable to disclose the specifics of the grand adventure.

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